26 Mar 2012

Signature generation for QuickBlox

Signature is encrypted sequence which allows us to be sure that data sent by you during session token is transferred to us without any changes by third party (man in the middle). In few words it prevents Man in the middle type of attacks.

To calculate signature manually you have to do following steps

1. Sort following pairs (parameter, value) by alphabet


and concatenate to one string with ampersand (like query string in URL)


2. Then encrypt it with HMAC-SHA using auth secret (from app settings) as key for encrypting

Manual encryption you can test with online service http://hash.online-convert.com/sha1-generator

Our result is


As you understood you shouldn't do it manually each time. You can write function by yourself or use QuickBlox SDK to simplify routine operations.

If you work with QB from JavaScript, it will be useful for you lib, that allows to calculate HMAC-SHA encryption http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/#SHA-1

Function that calculates signature can look as

// QuickBlox application settings.
var QB = {
 appId : 'xxx',
 ownerId : 'xxxx',
 authKey : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
 authSecret : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

function getSignature() {
 var nonce = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); // Gets random number (0;1000)
 var timestamp = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000); // Gets unix timestamp (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) 

 // Creating message where parameters are sorted by alphabetical order.
 var message = 'app_id=' + QB.appId + '&auth_key=' + QB.authKey + '&nonce=' + nonce + '&timestamp=' + timestamp;
 var secret = QB.authSecret;
 // Encrypting message with secret key from QuickBlox application parameters.
 var hmac = Crypto.HMAC(Crypto.SHA1, message, secret);
 var signatureObj = {
  nonce   : nonce,
  timestamp  : timestamp,
  signature  : hmac
 return signatureObj; 

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